Sensible HR Solutions is the premier HR Consulting Firm in the Coachella Valley. We are your local Five Star HR business partner. We serve our clients in Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Desert Hot Springs, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, La Quinta, Indio, Thousand Palms, and the city of Coachella. In addition, we provide remote HR Consulting services to our clients in Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Diego.
We provide a full spectrum of sensible and affordable HR Best Practice solutions designed specifically for small to medium-sized businesses. Many smaller to medium companies do not have a Human Resources Department. We help your business implement HR Best Practices and develop and maintain HR Compliance with Federal Labor Laws and California Labor Laws. Regardless of company size, your business is liable for any violations of Federal, California and Local labor laws. When you partner with Sensible HR Solutions, we will work closely with your company to ensure that your business is compliant with these regulations. We specialize in providing you with custom HR solutions based on HR Best Practices and we cater to your business’ unique HR challenges.
Non-Profit Organizations
Medical and Dental Practices
City Government
Law Firms
Real Estate
Business Insurance
Restaurants/Fast Food
Engineering Firms
Retail Stores
HOA Associations


Compliance Reviews
- Review of your HR Policies, Practices, Forms and Procedures
- Identify Areas of Risk
- Provide HR Solutions That Brings Your Business Into Compliance

Employee Handbooks
- Develop and Customize Employee Handbooks That Meet Legal Requirements
- Educate Employees on Company Policies

Employee Relations & Coaching
- Assist Leadership Team with Documenting Corrective Actions, Performance Management and Terminations
- Coordinate Investigation Process to Resolve Employee Grievances

Talent Acquisition & Onboarding
- Develop and Update Job Descriptions
- Place Online Recruitment Ads
- Recruit Candidates
- Screen Candidates
- Interview Candidates
- Make Employment Offers
- Onboarding of New Hires

Leave Management
- Manage and Track FMLA, CFRA, and ADA Claims
- Assist Leadership and Employees With Appropriate Leave Forms and The Interactive Process
- Monitor Leaves for Legal Compliance Issues

Performance Management
- Develop/Update Job Descriptions
- Train Managers To Give Ongoing Performance Feedback
- Ensure That Job Objectives Are Clear
- Establish Performance Standards
- Train Managers On Completing Performance Appraisal Forms
- Establish Performance Goals

Benefits Administration
- Negotiate Annual Plan Renewals
- Manage Annual Open Enrollment Process
- Educate Employees on Benefit Plan Provisions
- Enroll/Change/Terminate Members
- Process Monthly Benefit Premium Invoices