Compliance Reviews
- Review HR Practices
- Identify Areas of Risk
- Provide HR Solutions That Brings Your Business Into Compliance

Employee Handbooks
- Develop and Customize Employee Handbooks That Meet Legal Requirements
- Educate Employees on Company Policies

Employee Relations & Coaching
- Provide Advice Regarding HR Practices, Policies and Employment Laws
- Assist Managers with Corrective Actions, Performance Management and Terminations
- Coordinate Investigation Process to Resolve Employee Grievances

Talent Acquisition & Onboarding
- Develop/Update Job Descriptions
- Online Recruitment Ads
- Recruit Candidates
- Screen Candidates
- Interview Candidates
- Employment Offers
- Run Background Checks
- Onboarding of New Hires

Leave Management
- Evaluate FMLA Claims and Determine Eligibility
- Assist Employees With Forms and The Disability Claim Process
- Monitor Leaves for Legal Compliance Issues
- Manage Leave of Absence Tracking

Performance Management
- Develop/Update Job Descriptions
- Train Managers To Give Ongoing Performance Feedback
- Ensure That Job Objectives Are Clear
- Establish Performance Standards
- Train Managers On How To Complete A Performance Appraisal Form
- Establish Performance Goals

Benefits Administration
- Negotiate Annual Plan Renewals
- Manage Annual Open Enrollment Process
- Educate Employees on Benefit Plan Provisions
- Enroll/Change/Terminate Members
- Process Monthly Benefit Premium Invoices