Trust has been defined as a “reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.   It also means that you rely on someone else to do the right thing.  You believe in that person’s integrity.

Managers must quickly earn trust from their colleagues to inspire team unity and collaboration that is centered on the fundamental principles of loyalty and communication.  If a manager is ineffective at earning trust, the lack of team performance will speak for itself and turnover will become increasingly apparent. 

You can’t hide if you are an ineffective manager who has trouble earning trust.  A team without trust isn’t really a team.  It’s just a group of individuals working together, often making disappointing progress.  They may not share information, they may bicker over rights and responsibilities, and they may not cooperate with each other.  There is also less innovation, collaboration, creative thinking and productivity.

Here are a few ways to help you build trust quickly as a manager:

Build Rapport
Building rapport is no easy task.  It requires a manager to be a great listener.  Managers who are listening take good notes, are quick to follow through, and are responsible enough to proactively address an employee’s immediate needs and requirements to help them be more successful.

Lead By Example
If a manager wants to build trust within their team, they need to lead by example and show their employees that they trust others.  Take the opportunity to show your employees what trust in others really look like. 

Take A Diplomatic Approach

Learning how to be politically and authentically correct is a requirement. A manager needs to always be mindful of doing the right thing to have greater influence down the road.

An effective manager exercises good judgment and knows how to pick and choose his/her battles.  It’s all about supporting the team and believing in consensus-building methods to create harmony.   Strong managers recognize that perception is reality and thus will play the political game accordingly to protect the team and mobilize their agenda.

Don’t Place Blame
When employees work together, honest mistakes and disappointments happen and it’s easy to blame someone who causes these.  However, when everyone starts pointing fingers, an unpleasant atmosphere can quickly develop.  This lowers morale, undermines trust, and is ultimately unproductive.    If your team fails, accept fault.  If your team succeeds, it’s the team’s achievement.

Establish Credibility
Effective managers must establish their credibility.  The most effective managers always follow-up, are true to their word, have a proven track record, and have a reputation of getting things done.

The best managers earn respect through performance.  Not only do they drive business results, but they serve as mentors and sponsors who help teach others how to do the same.  They get in the game and remain active – they stay in it to win it.  They are consistent in their approach and style when it comes to how they operate, how they get results, and how they build teams and relationships within the company.

Engage in Conflict Resolution
Managers who solve problems with clarity are extremely effective.  Effective managers empower others to make suggestions and recommendations.  They are masters at conflict management and are eloquent in addressing problems and getting others involved to find immediate resolution.

They are methodical in how they break down conflict into manageable pieces.  They view conflict as an opportunity to build new relationships and as a powerful learning moment to train their team to manage conflict for themselves.

Be a Strong Communicator
This is a very important and effective way for managers to earn trust quickly.  Great managers take the time to communicate across all levels of the company and they get to know everyone directly and indirectly involved with their department.  It makes it easier to communicate needs for the department and allows the team to more effectively communicate with the key players in the company.  Because a manager’s credibility is earned, it helps their employees learn to trust knowing that the manager always has their best interest in mind.

Communication helps break down departmental walls and creates interdependency between people thus building strong workplace alliances.  It improves relationships and creates an effective work environment that further promotes teamwork and consensus.

Managers need to be balanced and give their employees both positive and negative feedback when it’s due.  Be direct and honest and give the feedback truthfully.  It is very important to be timely in your feedback and communication as it happens – don’t put it off.   Be sure to just focus on the facts.